Message from the Board of Governors

Over 100 years ago our great-grandparents, noted industrialist John Pitcairn and his wife Gertrude, helped found what would later become the borough of Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania. Their home, Cairnwood, quickly became a gathering place for family and friends for three generations.
In 1995 this classic Beaux-Arts style estate was restored to its original beauty and is now available to all who wish to make their special event truly memorable. Now, as an active part of the Academy of the New Church, Cairnwood has found a new life as a social center, offering a unique and elegant space for private functions, educational programs, and cultural opportunities for the surrounding community.
We invite you to share in the warmth of this beautiful place with your friends and family.
For the Cairnwood Board of Governors,
Lynn Pitcairn Genzlinger & Brent Pendleton