Based on CDC regulatory guidance, face coverings are optional for fully vaccinated visitors and staff in both outdoor and indoor locations at Cairnwood. It is recommended that visitors and staff at high risk for severe illness continue to wear face coverings (covering nose and mouth and secure under chin) while inside the Estate.
An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, senior citizens and visitors and staff with underlying medical conditions are at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness. By visiting Cairnwood Estate and the Bryn Athyn Historic District, visitors voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19. Cairnwood Estate remains committed to prioritizing the health, safety, and well-being of all guests and staff. To that end, we encourage guests and staff alike to continue to remain mindful of physical distancing and other measures to help keep each other healthy. Thank you.
Office Hours
- Monday: Closed
- Tuesday – Thursday: 9am – 4pm
- Friday, Saturday, & Sunday: 11am – 3 pm
- Hours are subject to change depending on event schedule. Call ahead for current availability.
Private Rental Tours
- Consultations for private rental of the Estate and grounds are available by appointment.
- Cairnwood is currently offering virtual tours to our couples that are out of state or are unavailable to visit in person.
- Join us for an Open House from 6pm to 8pm on selected Wednesdays (call for current availability)
History Tours
- Cairnwood is open for guided history tours Tuesday – Sunday or by appointment depending on availability.
- A full listing of seasonal guided tours exploring the history of the Estate may be found on the Activities page
- Closed for private events, call ahead for availability.
Please be aware that the tours of Cairnwood Estate and Glencairn Museum are not fully accessible. Senior citizens should be made aware when signing up that the Historic District tours include a fair amount of walking and some stairs. Dress for the weather; some walking outside between buildings is required. If there is anyone in your group who requires a walker or a wheel chair, some accommodations can be made with advance notice. Please note that wheelchairs do not fit in Cairnwood’s historic elevator, however if a walker can be folded so that it fits inside easily it will be permitted on the second and third floors.
Health & Safety
The health and safety of our guests and staff is of utmost importance to the Cairnwood team. Enhanced health and safety measures are in place to promote a safe experience for our guests, vendors, and our staff. Let’s help keep each other healthy!
Enhanced Air Filtration System:
As an additional safety precaution, Cairnwood is now proudly equipped with a new air purification system that uses Bi-Polar ionization. This system uses positive and negative ions to actively clean the air as it passes through the building systems, which manufacturer testing has shown kills and nearly eliminates bacteria, viruses, and someair borne pathogens, including those that cause Covid-19.
Reinforcing Hand Hygiene:
High touch surfaces will the sanitized by Cairnwood Staff throughout the duration of private events.
Guests, preferred caterers, vendor partners, and staff will have their hand washing needs met with conveniently located sinks, soap, paper towels, tissue boxes, waste dispensers, and hand sanitizer.

Visit the Estate
Cairnwood Estate is located 16 miles outside of Philadelphia and just minutes from Montgomery and Bucks County. The Estate is a non-profit and National Historic Landmark within the Bryn Athyn Historic District, part of the Bryn Athyn College Campus.
GPS Address: 1005 Cathedral Road, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006-4629